Friday, December 2, 2011

The 9 things that matters than GPA!!!

I found it interesting and I share this as it is…………

As responses poured in, the overwhelming sentiment was that college GPA matters very little in professional success. While many college students stress over grades, those of us beyond academia and into our professional careers have seen how little it matters in comparison to experience, networking skills and the desire to grow.

Children go through school being taught that a grade is the determining factor in performance. But in the professional world, that’s not how it works. Your bosses won’t tell you which questions will be on the test. You don’t study information to be tested on it once in your job. Your college GPA is a combination of several factors but isn’t really the best indicator of how you’ll perform in the working world. We all know that person with perfect grades who struggles socially or that person who couldn’t care less about school but seems to have no trouble making great things happen in their life. Book smarts and street smarts are very different things.
Take your classes seriously. Do the work. Show up and learn something. Meet your professors. But I’m here to tell you, the GPA you leave college with doesn’t matter
. Here’s what does:

Knowing how you learn
Spend some time during college figuring out how you best learn and retain information. Some people need to see it, some need to hear it, some need to write it and some need to practice it before it sticks. As an employee, you’ll need to learn new things as you go, remember them and prove you’ve absorbed the information.

Applying theory to real-life situations
It’s one thing to recite the 4 P’s of marketing or learn how the purchase decision funnel looks on paper, but things won’t always happen in the marketplace the way they do in your textbooks. Learn how to take fundamental information and proven best practices and apply them in new situations or projects. The real world will always throw new variables at you, so knowing how to adapt theory to life is crucial.

Time management
Learn how much time you need to research, write a paper, get to your classes and jobs on time, fit a workout in your day and still have something of a social life. Learning how many hours you have in your day/week and how to divide them up to get everything done is a vital life skill. In your professional life, you’ll need to know how to manage your time to meet deadlines, tackle to-do lists and not want to bang your head against the wall in the process.

Relevant professional experience
Jobs, internships, student organizations and volunteer projects in your industry will prepare you best for the working world. Do as much as you can to really work in your field during college and learn about what you want to do (or in same cases, what you don’t want to do). Your future employer will take your experience as the absolute best indicator for your potential in a new position.

A portfolio proving you can produce work
Keep samples of your best work from classes and internships. Many employers will want to see your work before hiring you. If you’re not building a portfolio through things you’re required to do before you graduate, then produce these things on your own time. Practice writing articles, press releases, pitches, designing publications, compiling clip reports, research summaries or anything else you might be hired to do. Practice is important.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

How we speak through our body language!!

Suala la mawasiliano ni muhimu sana katika maisha ya mwanadamu kwani hutuwezesha kupeana taarifa za kile kinachoendelea katika mazingira yanayotuzunguka hali kadhalika humuwezesha mtu kueleza kile anachofikiria. Kutokana na umuhimu wake ndio maana kwa sasa tunashuhudia maendeleo katika sekta hii (Information and Communication Technology development) yote ni kwa lengo la kufanikisha mambo hayo kufanyika kwa haraka zaidi.

  Zaidi ya hapo, mawasiliano yanatuwezesha kujenga mahusiano mazuri kati yetu (socialization), kujenga uaminifu na haiba (trust & personality) ya mtu, pia hufanya watu kuvutiwa na kile tunachokifanya iwe ni biashara au huduma tunayoitoa kwa jamii (build customer interest) na kwa umuhimu wake ndio maana vitengo vya mawasiliano na huduma kwa wateja vikawepo katika sehemu nyingi za kazi. Yote haya yatafanikiwa endapo mzungumzaji atazingatia msingi ya uzungumzaji kama uchaguzi mzuri maneno kulingana na muktadha aliopo na kuangalia anazungumza na nani? (Choice of words according to context and your addressee). Kikubwa zaidi ni kukumbuka “body language” kama gesture, postures and our facial expression kwani hivi vinatoa tafsiri kubwa kuliko maneno tunayoyazungumza. Unaweza ukazungumza maneno yenye msingi bali body language ikayafanya yaonekane hayana msingi,kwani always body speaks than words

Kumbuka mawasilano yanaweza kujenga haiba na uaminifu mtu na kwa upande mwingine inaweza kuharibu haiba yako (destruct your reputation) endapo utashindwa kutumia vizuri. Communication is more than what we speak from our mouth. As a young communicators (PRs’) we have to know how to communicate with your audience.
For more just click and watch the slideshow of what we speak without words

Prepared by Bonnie Jacob

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


It was great for our association to celebrate its 5th anniversary on last 10TH of November. The party was small but we enjoyed a lot, hopeful we gained something from Prof Akipabio especial when gave us his experience from Botswana. Furthermore the comments from brother Amini were great, we promise to work on that.
I would like to this opportunity to wish all UDPRSA leaders great success on their work.

For those who did not attend here is an exclusive photo review of what happened.
Wadau wakiwa wameingia tayari kwa kuanza event.
Hapa tumbo joto webpage ziligoma ku-load!!Mungu mkubwa mambo yalienda sawa
Prof Akipabio akizungumza na washiriki.

Good enough kumbe facebook page ipo!!!!try to find UDPRSA na u-like page

Facebook page ikazinduliwa rasmi!
Mwishoni mwa event wadau wakajiachia na camera…
Goronga (treasurer UDPRSA) akiwa na Prof Akipabio

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


UDPRSA chairperson Mr Kisoma Mussa
An association time of existence is five years since the time it was established on 10th November 2006.I wholeheartedly appreciate the founders. The association is found within University of Dar Es Salaam at  School of Journalism and Mass communication.

The primary objectives of UDPRASA are; to encourage the practices of public relations, in presentable and acceptable means to discuss issues and challenges facing Public relations as a profession and to encourage and assist researches on matters relating to public relation studies.

The fruits of the association are expected to be seen to all members as we expect to produce competent experts and luminaries in the field relating to public relations. To succeed on this the association has got subdivisions in it with different coherent programmes.

The association expects to extend its wings to other academic associations to improve experience and efficiency. With this it will enhance possibility to create accessibility and recognition outside university of Dar-es-salaam and further more fulfil the mission to create mutual assistance between the association and the stakeholders wherever they are.

Therefore I encourage members and non-members to contribute in this blog and we promise to work accordingly with your contributions .Welcome to the blog .Write articles, publicize and post them to us via our e-mail.udprsa.sjmc@gmail.com




Sunday, November 6, 2011

Karibuni sana

Dear all,

   I would like to take this opportunity to introduce to you, our blog (www.udprsa.blogspot.com).  Hopefully this will be a new beginning of developing and training ourselves so that we will become the really PR professionals.

   This is an open forum for of all us, students, lecturers, our partners and other related professionals who are already in the PR and communication industry. We encourage your views and comments and whenever you have any article or something to say, your mostly welcome. We deliberately do this for the aim of moving forward the marketing communication industry in our country, no one do to it for us!  We are the one, to build our own reality.


Karibuni sana.