Tuesday, April 10, 2012

3 things you should learn from toddlers!!

In our daily life, we are surrounded by toddlers in our houses. Most of time we ignore their actions, get bored with them since they are asking too many questions and touching everything that comes across them. They doing all these because; they are full of energy and willing to learn. As someone who needs to excel in PR profession or develop your career, the following toddlers’ traits you have to embrace

 Practice makes perfect

Toddlers have to practice everything, from putting on their shoes to learning how to use the potty. They seldom learn a new skill on the first try and need to practice and reminders of how to do something.
Although PR professionals don't need to practice tying their shoes, they do need to practice their public relations skills. Technology is constantly changing and shaping the PR world; practice is the only way we will learn how to use this new technology to our advantage.

Be curious and ask questions

Every day we bombarded with questions from toddlers, who asking anything from “What is this?” to “How does this work?” As simple as these questions sound for a toddler they are their way of learning something new.
In the PR world, curiosity is a skill that every practitioner needs. To be successful you need to be curious and ask questions. PR practitioners are expected to know everything about their client. How are they supposed to become an expert if they don't ask questions?

Make friends (networking)

Thing toddlers I work with aren't afraid to say high to a stranger. They are constantly saying hi to the next toddler who walks into the room or to the parent at the door. For a toddler this is how they make friends, but the same idea can be used for networking. 

   You never know the story behind the person who is next to you in line or working the cash register at your favorite store. They might be your next client or someone who can help you with a project. You'll never know if you don't talk to them.
So take advice from a toddler and say hi to everyone you know, it might spark a conversation and land you your next big client or published piece.

by Bonnie Jacob                                                                                                                                                                             courtesy of prdaily

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