After all the long wait and excitement of reaching the Marketing Forum 2012 has end with join and big surprise to everyone who attend the forum. It was unbelievable to have such a never happened event at UDSM campus. Usually, we used to have this kind of events but the Marketing Forum 2012 was authentic and different, really we experience the difference, the difference that won’t come out of mind so easily. Speaking one of the different in Marketing Forum 2012, is the forum succeeded to bring together students from diverse Universities and colleges like Institute of finance and Management (IFM), College of Business Education (CBE), Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Kampala International University (KIU) and Institute of Social Work (ISW). This made the forum to have many attendants who also comes from various field of studies like Business, Media Communication Engineering, Education and that made its success of embracing young upcoming professionals and enlighten them on how to excel in the competitive employment industry as well as how to create self employment.
However, presentations given by guest speakers were another thing that marked difference since they were interesting and educative as well. The first speaker was Mr. Iman Kajura, the director of marketing at National Microfinance Bank (NMB) who mainly speaking about Branding. On his presentation Mr. Kajuna said, brand refers to a perception in the mind of the consumer. He went on saying that means it’s not what you say it rather it what they say it is. To him everyone (students) is a brand but the difference comes on how they position in the market which is full of me too clutter (competition). Though he admit that is difficult to move from zero to hero but that should not deter them to excel rather he argue them (students) work for it by addressing challenges and capitalizing their opportunities, these will enable them to become the celebrated brand.
The main entrance.... Courtesy of Hilal Ruhundwa |
A second presentation was about Youth in positioning Tanzania in the world market and how to excel in the market. The topic was presented by Mr. Ikechukwu Kalu, the managing partner at Customer Passion Point and a certified Chartered Marketer from Chartered Institute of Marketing London. On his presentation Mr. Kalu, said all social changes all over the world are spearheaded by youth since they are energetic, vibrant and creative. Therefore he believes the 35 percent youth population in Tanzania has a chance in changing the national face in the world market. “What’s needed is to believe them, be patient and grow gradually because success does not come in one day” said Mr. Kalu.
Mr Ikechukwu Kalu oh his presenation. Courtesy of Hilal Ruhundwa |
While ending presentation Mr. Godwin Semunyu, the customer services manager at CRDB bank talked about the digital marketing. In his words Mr. Semunyu argue youth to see social network as an opportunity that may use to develop their small business. “For those who own small business may use facebook to reach their target market within a short time and it’s costless” added Mr. Semunyu. Also he said using blogs may become a good source of income for those who have the spirit of writing. “If you have most reading blog you will earn money through adverts this will enable to afford your daily expenses” concluded Mr. Semunyu.
Giving closing remarks DUMA chairperson, Mr. Frank Minazi said it’s happy to see the forum 2012 event has succeeded. “Am happy we made it, all these would not come into success if not unity and commitment from the organizing committee” said Mr. Frank. He added that they aimed to have marketing forum every year. However, he said DUMA has a focus of becoming the best student organization. The marketing forum 2012 has just end, it was awesome, lots of learning and it was a really exposure. No one expected such big event, hopefully other students organization have learn something from DUMA.
Prepared by Bonnie Jacob